It’s a MIRACLE The barramundi was sensational and Shannon, after some persuasion tried it and LIKED IT! Only parents of fussy eaters will appreciate our excitement, sorry. Now to find a quality source of barra in Melbourne….
Yesterday afternoon we went for a drive around Katherine and paid a visit to some good friends of Bill’s, Doug and Yvonne. They have a wonderful house with a veranda that is almost as wide as our house and two Staffordshire Bull Terriers called Digger and Sally. So cool and comfortable. The kids were able to see their cows and feed the leaves of the banana plants to them. They ran back and forth for the best part of an hour doing that while Keith, Doug and Bill inspected Doug’s impressive sheds and car collection. Presently the sprinklers went on to the grass and the garden and our poor water derived children decided first to run through and not get wet and then to run through and get wet on purpose.
Dear Readers, Keith and I have taken our children through some of the most impressive, heritage listed sites in Australia, to beautiful waterholes and fun swimming pools. It is with some chagrin that I inform you that the place they want to come back to is Doug and Yvonne’s place in Katherine to run through the sprinklers and feed the cows and play with the dogs. Not bad eh?
The drive to Batchelor on the outskirts of Litchfield National Park today was mercifully short after spending a relaxing morning at Bill’s house. We were served café style omelettes and took Sam the dog for a walk. We met some more of Bill’s friends, these ones pulled up in a beautifully restored A Model Ford. This has been the most delightful and surprising visit!
Oh yes. We got our rain mojo back! As soon as the van was set up, the kids went for a swim and watched the bird feeding here at the park, the skies opened up and we were treated to some more wind and rain, this time, Batchelor style.
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